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Our Story

Season Jane

We are not a beauty company. Season Jane is a Los Angeles based company delivering gender-neutral self care products with therapeutic purposes. Each product has a unique purpose of delivering rest, restoration and/or vitality. Products are curated with intention in homeland USA with clean and carefully selected ingredients.

'Jane' is more than merely a girl's name in the novel. 'Jane' means God is gracious. Whether you believe in God or not, we all know that there is something bigger than us.

Brand name Season Jane represents our goal and promise to deliver God's (or any other name you have) gracious "Season of Healthy Mind-Body-Spirit".

We envision to build a strong-knitted community around the globe with those who share the same vision and are passionate about spreading goodness. Such sense of community will be built through various outlets, so stay connected!


We may not be fancy, but we are grounded.